Interview with Backyards of Key West

Follow the link to listen to Ben’s podcast interview with Mike Baratto of Backyards of Key West. This fun conversation covers a wide range of topics including Ben’s design beginnings, how he balances his design choices with client’s varying tastes and even insight into what is important in his own living spaces.

Art installation tips

Hanging art.jpeg

Art tips

Artwork can be the most personal element in a room’s design and the best way to finish a space. When hanging art, consider how it will be viewed in the room. Most often art should be hung at eye level though when hung with other elements such as furnishings, be certain it remains within the composition. Art hung too high above a sofa can feel lost on the wall. Allow yourself plenty of space to back away from larger pieces that are best viewed at a distance and access to approach smaller pieces that need to be seen up close.